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Meditation - Activation of chakras

 Meditation - Activation of chakras

Meditation - Activation of chakras is the app you need to meditate.

Meditation creates an ideal environment to meditate or rest pleasantly. Accompanied by lighting with soft colors and relaxing music that allows you to concentrate and connect with yourself.

The environments shown in Meditation, both the colors and the music, were specially chosen to create an environment of peace and tranquility. Each environment represents a chakra.

In a deep meditation you connect with your energy centers and this vital energy flows through your chakras. Chakra meditation helps you balance, align, and activate your chakras.

Balanced and activated chakras vibrate at high frequency, you will feel emotionally balanced, sure of your thoughts, feelings and physically well. They will help you feel more comfortable dealing with the challenges that come your way in life.

Meditation - Activation of chakras includes the meditations of the 7 chakras:
  1. Root chakra (muladhara)
  2. Sacral chakra (svadhisthana)
  3. Solar plexus chakra (manipura)
  4. Heart chakra (anahata)
  5. Throat chakra (vishuddha)
  6. Third eye chakra (ajna)
  7. Crown chakra (sahasrara)

Some features of Meditation - Activation of chakras:
  • Adjust the time limit of your meditation.
  • Select the music that relaxes you the most.
  • Choose the playback mode (manual or automatic). So you choose to meditate on a single chakra or all at once.

Some of the benefits of meditation are that it improves your concentration, your productivity, you rest more deeply, you control your anger, you learn to cope with depression, you improve your self-esteem, your self-acceptance, your well-being, your vital balance.

Make meditation a habit and get ready to relax and meditate with Meditation - Activation of chakras.

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